Safe joint lift - 35 meter long and 100 tons heavy barrier sleeve from Rostock to Bjæverskov
Many of our projects require long-term planning and close collaboration with our customers, but sometimes our different departments have to work closely together on site
When we, together with Torben Rafn A/S, had to transport a 35-meter long and 100-ton rafter sleeve from Rostock to Bjæverskov for Entreprenørfirmaet Nordkysten A/S in mid-2023, it was based on more than a year of prior planning together with the customer.
The transportation involved both our reversing department to prepare the lift a week before, and not least two of our mobile cranes AND two of our truck cranes for the actual lift.
Synchronized, our skilled crane operator and riggers lifted both the barrier sleeve and the 10 meter long cables at each end at exactly the same time and pace, so the job was completed to perfection
As you can see, the job attracted a lot of attention from the people on site - and today we salute them with another round of applause
Thanks to our skilled crane operators Patrick Henriksen and Rene Petersen, our riggers Peter Mikkelsen and Bo Rasmussen and the people from Torben Rafn A/S, Peder, Jørgen and Claus, who arranged transportation to Denmark.