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Jacking & Skidding


Like many international airports the one in Copenhagen, Denmark is almost constantly undergoing improvements and expansions.

One of the most recent developments in CopenhagenAirport has been the installation of a 100 metres long and five metres widepedestrian bridge, which serves as a direct connection between the metro of theDanish capital and the security control above Terminal 3. BMS Kruse helpedbring the bridge into place.

The purpose has been to ensure more space for alltravellers on the floor level of Copenhagen Airport’s busy Terminal 3 – andthis has been done by establishing a pedestrian bridge on the first floor levelin the middle of the terminal. The bridge also serves as a shortcut forpassengers going from the metro to Terminal 2 to check in their luggage.

Denmark’s longest indoor walkway is a crucial elementin a significant rebuilding and expansion of the terminal, which is a projectof about 33.5 million EUR (250 million DKK).

In particular, the challenge has been to establish the bridge while the airport is in operation –without annoying the passengers too much. The bridge manufacturer, which is the Danish steel contractor Bladt Industries A/S, chose BMS Kruse to handle the critical task.

Despite the weight of the steel bridge of about 100 tons, the maximum permissible floor load was a mere 500 kg per square metre, so BMS Kruse had to design special rigger skates for the job. The BMS specialists chose to raise the sections of the footbridge using wire lifters – and they developed both lifting beams and support brackets in order to use the existing steel construction of the terminal as support.

However, during the process, it turned out that several sections of the footbridge had a level difference of up to two metres, which meant that new supports for the rigger skates had to be manufactured in a hurry so that work was not delayed. It also proved necessary with additional supports, which required further redesign, but regardless of the obstacles, the task was carried out to Copenhagen Airport’s satisfaction.