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Jacking & Skidding

BMS Module Crane - Innovative solution for complex lifting tasks in Denmark

More and more people have noticed our so-called modular crane working around Denmark.

The modular crane is a 100% BMS invention, developed in close collaboration between our engineers, project department and the executive crew.

The crane has a wide range of set-up options, as the ballast frames can be put together based on what the given conditions allow. Likewise, the ballast frames can be adjusted in weight depending on the load-bearing capacity of the floor. All parts can pass through a standard doorway and all parts can weigh less than 500 kg. All to accommodate the low load capacity we often encounter.

The crane was an idea that became a reality in less than 16 months and can optimize and streamline work, for example in connection with escalator handling. At the same time, all setups can be calculated and documented so that the customer knows the exact load prior to the job.