No tasks are the same, but in between, there is one that leaves a quite special impression. This applies, for example, to BMS Aalborg’s lift of the 900 kg heavy and one-meter high sculpture Cocoon, that was to be installed in an institution’s sense garden.
It is, however, no ordinary institution, but a special children’s home for children and adolescents with significant and permanently reduced physical and/or mental functioning.
The sense garden includes beds with plants that provide plenty of opportunities for scent and taste experiences, as well as toys to play with or watch as they move in the wind. In addition, there is a sense tunnel in which the kids can have a different sense of sensation under the open sky. And now also a large sculpture in bronze.
The sense garden inclu-des beds with plants that provide plenty of opportunities for scent and taste experiences, as well as toys to play with or watch as they move in the wind. In addition, there is a sense tunnel in which the kids can have a different sense of sensation under the open sky. And now also a large sculpture in bronze.
It is the Danish bronze caster Carsten Hansen, who has created Cocoon. Due to its size, a special crane was needed to lift the sculpture into the sensory garden. BMS Aalborg carried out the job, as the company had shortly before purchased a truck-mounted crane perfectly fitted for this purpose. The crane is a Hiab X-HiPro 1058 E-8 with a 150X-6 jib. This equipment, which is Hiab’s largest, can lift 900 kg at 32 metres, while it can handle more than 1,800 kg at 23 metres.
The special children’s home Højbjerghus is located in Støvring about 30 kilometres south of the BMS Group headquarter in Nørresundby, Denmark. The institution, currently having eight permanent residents and two on relieving stay, was given the bronze sculpture by the Flemming Christensen Foundation and the company SAWO A/S, Northern Europe’s largest supplier of cargo handling equipment.