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Jacking & Skidding

Moving one of Denmark's greatest archaeological treasures - the Viking ships from Roskilde Fjord

When the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde gets its new museum building, the five so-called Skuldelev ships will have a new home. But moving five of Denmark's greatest archaeological treasures is no simple matter. The ships are as fragile as glass, making it extremely risky to take them apart to move them.

After careful consideration of all scenarios between archaeologists, conservators, engineering consultants, forging and crane experts, it was decided to transport the ships in their WHOLE state - and that's where BMS came in!

With a specially constructed cage, made from 3D scans of the ships - and a careful test lift - we have proven that both lifting and moving can be done without damaging our irreplaceable cultural heritage - the 5 beautiful Viking ships.

Now we are eagerly awaiting the big moving day when the new museum building is expected to be ready in 2028.

Does your company also need to move something heavy, complicated or precious? Then contact BMS's backing unit, where we have everything you need for moving; talented backers and everything in machinery and equipment.

+45 72 42 02 00

The images are courtesy of the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. Photo: Jacob N. Andreassen. Copyright: Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde